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Freeport Obtains Operation Extension Until 2031

PT Freeport Indonesia (PTFI) has obtained a mining operation extension until 2031. The extension was given together with the issuance of PTFI's Special Mining Business License (IUPK) Production Operation.

The validity period of the extension of the 10-year Freeport operation began to be calculated from 2021. The reason is, 2021 is the deadline for the PTFI operation stated in the Contract of Work (KK). Currently the KK has ended and turned into an IUPK, but it does not automatically cancel the remaining operating period until 2021.

Ignasius Jonan

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Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) Ignasius Jonan said the extension was given after a request from PTFI. He said that PTFI had submitted an application and that extension was given.

"Yesterday was when IUPK was issued," Jonan said in Bali.

Jonan explained, the government has given business certainty to investors. He reminded PTFI's commitment in building mineral refining facilities (concentrates). In the IUPK it is very clear that the deadline for the construction of a smelter is no later than five years or until the end of 2022. He stressed that there were sanctions if the commitment was not implemented.

"Yes, they cannot export them (Freeport)," he said.

The extension of operations after 2021 and the construction of a smelter are interrelated. PTFI has actually built a smelter since 2014. The smelter is planned to have a capacity of 2 million tons of concentrate built in Gresik, East Java. It's just that until now the construction of this smelter has not yet entered the construction phase because it was then awaiting certainty of the extension of operations.

Tony Wenas

PTFI President Director Tony Wenas previously emphasized his commitment to build a smelter no later than five years. It's just that he did not disclose the location of the construction of the smelter whether he remained in Gresik or switched to another place.

"The smelter will be built and the location will be determined where. What is expected by the government to get added value for the country, "he said.

PTFI shares are now dominated by PT Inalum (Persero) through a divestment scheme. Jonan advised that Lnalum and Freeport work together in managing the Grasberg mine in Tembagapura so as to provide significant results for Indonesia.

"So in the future how to manage together the maximum results for the prosperity of the people," he said.


Freeport Mendapatkan Perpanjangan Operasi Hingga 2031  

PT Freeport Indonesia (PTFI) sudah mendapatkan perpanjangan operasi tambang sampai 2031. Perpanjangan itu diberikan bersama dengan diterbitkannya lzin Usaha Pertambangan Khusus (IUPK) Operasi Produksi PTFI.

Masa berlaku perpanjangan operasi Freeport 10 tahun itu mulai dihitung sejak 2021. Pasalnya, 2021 merupakan batas waktu masa berlaku operasi PTFI yang tercantum dalam Kontrak Karya (KK). Saat ini KK sudah berakhir dan beralih menjadi IUPK, namun tidak otomatis membatalkan sisa masa operasi hingga 2021.

Menteri Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) Ignasius Jonan mengatakan, perpanjangan diberikan setelah ada permohonan dari PTFI. Dia menyebut PTFI sudah mengajukan perrnohonan dan diberikanlah perpanjangan itu. 

“Kemarin langsung itu saat (penerbitan) IUPK,” kata Jonan di Bali.

Jonan menerangkan, pemerintah sudah memberi kepastian usaha untuk investor. Dia mengingatkan komitmen yang disampaikan PTFI dalam membangun fasilitas pemurnian mineral (konsentrat). Dalam IUPK sangat jelas disebutkan batas waktu pembangunan smelter paling lambat lima tahun atau hingga akhir 2022. Dia menegaskan ada sanksi bila komitmen itu tidak terlaksana.

“Ya tidak bisa ekspor mereka,” tegasnya. 

Perpanjangan operasi setelah 2021 dan pembangunan smelter merupakan hal yang saling terkait. PTFI sebenarnya sudah membangun smelter sejak 2014 lalu. Smelter itu direncanakan berkapasitas 2 juta ton konsentrat yang dibangun di Gresik, Jawa Timur. Hanya saja hingga kini pembangunan smelter ini belum memasuki tahap konstruksi lantaran kala itu menanti kepastian perpanjangan operasi.

Direktur Utama PTFI Tony Wenas sebelumnya menegaskan komitmennya membangun smelter paling lambat dalam lima tahun. Hanya saja dia tidak membeberkan lokasi pembangunan smelter itu apakah tetap di Gresik atau beralih ke ternpat lain. 

“Smelter akan dibangun dan lokasinya akan ditentukan dimana. Apa yang diharapkan pemerintah untuk mendapatkan nilai tambah untuk dalam negeri,” ujarnya.

Saham PTFI sekarang mayoritas dikuasai oleh PT Inalum (Persero) melalui skema divestasi. Jonan berpesan agar lnalum dan Freeport bekerja sama dalam mengelola tambang Grasberg di Tembagapura sehingga memberi hasil signifikan bagi lndonesia. 

“Jadi ke depan bagaimana mengelola bersama hasil yang sebesar-besarnya untuk kemakmuran rakyat,” ujarnya.

Bisnis Indonesia, Page 9, Friday, Dec 28, 2018

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