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Next Week, Freeport Conveys Definitive Smelter Locations

PT Freeport Indonesia will deliver the definitive location for the construction of a copper concentrate mineral smelter facility next week. The report is part of the request for extension of the concentrate export permit which expires on February 15.

Tony Wenas

Freeport Indonesia President Director Tony Wenas said the definitive location would be delivered to the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM). It's just that he does not deny or justify the location of the smelter to move from Gresik, East Java.

"Next week we submit to ESDM. Just wait later, I don't want to go ahead, "Tony said in Jakarta.

Separately, ESDM Ministry Director of Mineral Business Development Yunus Saefulhak said that the construction of the Freeport smelter is now more certain in line with the granting of IUPK. In the IUPK it was explained that the smelter must be completed no later than the issuance of IUPK on December 21, 2018. He said Freeport certainly had the latest plans to accelerate its development.

"He (Freeport) jumped already done. It's clear that you can't back down, "he said.

The progress of the smelter construction is a major prerequisite in obtaining an export license extension. At least 90% of the work plan from the evaluation results every six months. Calculation of the evaluation began after pocketing a recommendation for export permits from the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources. Freeport gets a recommendation for export licenses on February 16, 2018 and ends on February 15, 2019.

PT Smelter Gresik

The location of the Freeport smelter construction is in the Gresik industrial area, East Java, namely the Java Integrated Industrial and Port Estate (JIIPE) since 2017 yesterday. JIIPE is Freeport's second location. The previous location was in the area of ​​PT Petrokimia Gresik since 2014 ago. Even though it has changed locations twice, the construction of the smelter has not yet reached the construction stage.

the Java Integrated Industrial and Port Estate (JIIPE)

Because at that time Freeport was waiting for certainty of the extension of operations after the contract expired in 2021. Currently the extension of the operation has been granted until 2041 but in the form of a Special Mining Business License (IUPK).

Special Committee Divestment

Meanwhile, Commission VII of the House of Representatives (DPR) will form a special committee (pansus) related to the settlement of PT Freeport Indonesia's divestment. Besides that the people's representatives also asked the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) to investigate the process of granting Special Mining Business Permits (IUPK) to Freeport.

Deputy Chairman of the House of Representatives Commission VII Muhamad Nasir said Freeport pocketed IUPK since December 21, 2018. Even though the validity period of the Contract of Work ended in 2021. 

the Rokan Block - Chevron

    He said the government had a different attitude to the Rokan Block Contract which ended in 2021. The government did not extend the Rokan Block contract and submitted it to PT Pertamina (Persero).

"Now Pertamina has begun to invest in Rokan Block. Why this is not done at Freeport. If this is done, we can 100% be controlled by Freeport. Is this because of business interests or anything, "Nasir said in Jakarta.

Nasir said the government issued a number of regulations to smooth the Freeport divestment process. He was surprised by this attitude and asked the KPK to investigate the entire process of Freeport divestment. This is needed so that everything becomes bright.

"I want all agencies to be involved in the process of this case. We Democrats propose a special committee, "he said.

Meanwhile the ESDM Ministry's Mineral and Coal Director General Bambang Gatot explained there were a number of considerations in the Freeport IUPK award. In the Contract of Work held by Freeport, the clause of the extension rights is 2 times 10 years since 2021. 

    The government also has the right to refuse the extension. It's just that the government's refusal is multiple interpretations and has the potential to be brought to international arbitration.


Pekan Depan, Freeport  Sampaikan Lokasi Smelter Definitif  

PT Freeport Indonesia akan menyampaikan lokasi definitif pembangunan fasilitas pemurnian mineral (smelter) konsentrat tembaga pada pekan depan. Laporan itu merupakan bagian dari permohonan perpanjangan izin ekspor konsentrat yang berakhir pada 15 Februari nanti.

Direktur Utama Freeport Indonesia Tony Wenas mengatakan lokasi definitif itu akan disampaikan ke Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM). Hanya saja dia tidak menyangkal atau membenarkan lokasi smelter akan berpindah dari Gresik, Jawa Timur. 

“Pekan depan kami sampaikan ke ESDM. Tunggu saja nanti, saya tidak mau mendahului,” kata Tony di Jakarta.

Secara terpisah, Direktur Pembinaan Pengusahaan Mineral Kementerian ESDM Yunus Saefulhak menuturkan pembangunan smelter Freeport saat ini lebih pasti seiring dengan pemberian IUPK. Dalam IUPK itu dijelaskan smelter harus rampung paling lambat sejak diterbitkannya IUPK pada 21 Desember 2018. Dia menyebut Freeport tentu memiliki rencana terbaru untuk mempercepat pembangunannya. 

“Dia (Freeport) loncat yang sudah dilakukan. Sudah jelas tidak boleh mundur ke belakang,” ujarnya.

Kemajuan pembangunan smelter menjadi prasyarat utama dalam mendapatkan perpanjangan izin ekspor. Minimal 90% dari rencana kerja dari hasil evaluasi setiap enam bulan. Perhitungan evaluasi itu dimulai setelah mengantongi rekomendasi izin ekspor dari Kementerian ESDM. Freeport mendapatkan rekomendasi izin ekspor pada 16 Februari 2018 dan berakhir di 15 Februari 2019.

Adapun lokasi pembangunan smelter Freeport berada di kawasan industri Gresik, Jawa Timur yakni Java Integrated Industrial and Port Estate (JIIPE) sejak 2017 kemarin. JIIPE ini merupakan lokasi kedua Freeport. Lokasi sebelumnya berada di area milik PT Petrokimia Gresik sejak 2014 silam. Meski sudah dua kali berpindah lokasi, pembangunan smelter belum juga mencapai tahap konstruksi.

Pasalnya kala itu Freeport menanti kepastian perpanjangan operasi pasca kontrak berakhir di 2021. Saat ini perpanjangan operasi sudah diberikan hingga 2041 namun dalam bentuk Izin Usaha Pertambangan Khusus (IUPK).

Pansus Divestasi

Sementara itu, Komisi VII Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat (DPR) akan membentuk panitia khusus (pansus) terkait penyelesaian divestasi PT Freeport Indonesia. Selain itu para wakil rakyat itu pun meminta Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi (KPK) menelisik proses pemberian Izin Usaha Pertambangan Khusus (IUPK) bagi Freeport. 

Wakil Ketua Komisi VII DPR Muhamad Nasir mengatakan Freeport mengantongi IUPK sejak 21 Desember 2018. Padahal masa berlaku Kontrak Karya berakhir di 2021. Menurutnya pemerintah memiliki sikap berbeda dengan Kontrak Blok Rokan yang berakhir di 2021. Pemerintah tidak memperpanjang kontrak Blok Rokan dan diserahkan ke PT Pertamina (persero).

“Sekarang Pertamina sudah mulai masukan investasi di Blok Rokan. Kenapa ini tidak dilakukan di Freeport. Kalau ini dilakukan maka kita 100% bisa kuasai Freeport. Apakah ini karena kepentingan bisnis atau apa,” kata Nasir di Jakarta.

Nasir menuturkan pemerintah menerbitkan sejumlah peraturan untuk memuluskan proses divestasi Freeport. Dia heran dengan sikap tersebut dan meminta KPK untuk menelisik seluruh proses divestasi Freeport. Hal ini diperlukan agar semuanya menjadi terang benderang.

“Saya mau semua instansi dilibatkan dalam proses kasus ini. Kami Fraksi Demokrat usulkan bentuk pansus,” ujarnya.

Sementara itu Direktur Jenderal Mineral dan Batu bara Kementerian ESDM Bambang Gatot menerangkan ada sejumlah pertimbangan dalam pemberian IUPK Freeport. Dalam Kontrak Karya yang dipegang Freeport memuat klausul hak perpanjangan 2 kali 10 tahun sejak 2021. 

    Pemerintah pun memiliki hak untuk menolak perpanjangan tersebut. Hanya saja penolakan pemerintah itu multitafsir dan berpotensi dibawa ke arbitrase internasional.

Investor Daily, Page-9, Wednesday, Jan 16, 2019

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