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Freeport Increases Export Quota

PT Freeport Indonesia plans to apply for additional copper concentrate export quotas in the near future. Even though the company is facing a decline in the volume of copper concentrate production. 

Riza Pratama

     Freeport Indonesia's Corporate Communication Vice President, Riza Pratama said, the addition of export quota is possible because Freeport still has inventory or stockpiles in open pit.

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"There is a possibility (submitting) above the current quota, we still have stockpiles that can be used," he said.

However, Freeport management does not want to mention the amount of the additional export quota, and when the request will be submitted to the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM). One thing is certain, in March this year, Freeport had obtained 198,282 tons of export licenses. 

     Currently Freeport is still conducting studies and calculations. Because, in addition to depending on the availability of stockpiles, the amount of additional export quotas must also take into account market absorption.

"The demand is there, but the amount still needs to be calculated," explained Riza.

Along with this, the transition from production to open-pit mining to underground mining (undergoround mine) will cause production to decline 50% this year compared to the previous year. Riza stated that last year, Freeport Indonesia's daily ore production reached 182,000 tons of ore.

"This year is estimated to reach 90,000 or 100,000 tons, hopefully it can be more," he said.

This year, Freeport projects concentrate production to reach 1.3 million tons. Of that amount, around 1 million tons will be supplied to the domestic market, namely PT Smelting Gresik.

PT Smelting Gresik

"According to capacity (Smelting). Our commitment to the country cannot be reduced," said Riza.

While the owner of 48.7% of Freeport Indonesia's shares, Freeport-McMoRan (FCX), said that the additional quota to be submitted is not too significant, which is 40,000 tons.

Kathleen L. Quirk

"This is indeed not significant compared to the capacity of our smelter," said Executive VP & CFO of FCX, Kathleen L. Quirk in the FCX first quarter report.

The ESDM Ministry's Mineral and Coal Director General, Bambang Gatot Ariyono, stated that the plan to increase the quota was possible, as long as it was in accordance with the installed smelter capacity. In other words, the progress of the smelter in the development process must meet the target.


Freeport Menambah Kuota Ekspor  

PT Freeport Indonesia berencana mengajukan tambahan kuota ekspor konsentrat tembaga dalam waktu dekat ini. Padahal perusahaan ini seang menghadapi penurunan volume produksi konsentrat tembaga. 

     Vice President Corporate Communication Freeport Indonesia, Riza Pratama mengatakan, penambahan kuota ekspor dimungkinkan lantaran Freeport masih memiliki persediaan atau stockpile di tambang terbuka (open pit).

"Ada kemungkinan (mengajukan) di atas kuota yang sekarang, kami masih ada stockpile yang bisa digunakan," ungkap dia.

Namun manajemen Freeport belum mau menyebutkan berapa besaran kuota ekspor tambahan, serta kapan permohonan itu akan diajukan ke Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM). Satu hal yang pasti, pada Maret tahun ini, Freeport sudah mendapatkan izin ekspor sebanyak 198.282 ton. 

     Saat ini Freeport masih melakukan kajian dan penghitungan. Pasalnya, selain bergantung pada ketersediaan stockpile, besaran kuota ekspor tambahan juga harus memperhitungkan daya serap pasar. 

"Peminatnya pasti ada, namun besarannya tetap perlu dihitung,“ jelas Riza.

Bersamaan dengan hal tersebut, transisi produksi dari tambang terbuka ke tambang bawah tanah (undergoround mine) akan menyebabkan produksi pada tahun ini merosot 50% dibandingkan tahun sebelumnya. Riza mengemukakan, pada tahun lalu, rata-rata produksi ore harian Freeport Indonesia mencapai 182.000 ton bijih.

"Tahun ini diperkirakan mencapai 90.000 atau 100.000 ton, mudah-mudahan bisa lebih," ungkap dia.

Pada tahun ini, Freeport memproyeksikan produksi konsentrat mencapai 1,3 juta ton. Dari jumlah itu, sekitar 1 juta ton akan dipasok ke pasar dalam negeri, yakni PT Smelting Gresik. 

"Sesuai kapasitas (Smelting). Komitmen kami ke dalam negeri enggak boleh berkurang," kata Riza.

Sementara pemilik 48,7% saham Freeport Indonesia, yakni Freeport-McMoRan (FCX), mengatakan jumlah kuota tambahan yang akan diajukan tidak terlalu signifikan, yakni 40.000 ton. 

"lni memang tidak signifikan dibandingkan kapasitas smelter kami," kata Executive VP & CFO FCX, Kathleen L. Quirk dalam laporan kuartal pertama FCX.

Direktur Jenderal Mineral dan Batubara Kementerian ESDM, Bambang Gatot Ariyono mengemukakan, rencana penambahan kuota tersebut dimungkinkan, selama sesuai dengan kapasitas smelter terpasang. Dengan kata lain, progres smelter yang dalam proses pembangunan harus memenuhi target.

Kontan, Page-14, Friday, May-10, 2019

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