, pub-9591068673925608, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Freeport Smelter Project: Only Reached 3.86% - MEDIA MONITORING GOLD MINE -->

Freeport Smelter Project: Only Reached 3.86%

The development of the PT Freeport Indonesia mineral processing and refining project (smelter) only reached 3.86%. Freeport management considers that figure almost fulfills the development plan submitted to the government. Freeport Indonesia's President Director, Tony Wenas said, until February this year, the construction of the smelter had reached 3.86%.

Tony Wenas

"It is in accordance with the plan that we have given to the government, almost 100% of our plan. At the end of 2022, we expect the construction of a smelter to be completed," he said in an official statement on Sunday (5/5).

From the 3.86% figure, the current progress is related to land readiness. Regarding the land, Tony said, Freeport only had to do compaction and remove the water inside.

"Compaction carried out in parallel is also carried out in the core land, which is about 35 hectares, there are earth nailing while waiting for other land readiness, to be gradually completed," he said.

Tony added that many financial institutions were interested in financing the investment of smelter construction worth US $ 2.8 billion.

"Both financial institutions from outside and within the country," he said.


Proyek Smelter Freeport: Masih Mencapai 3,86%

Pengembangan proyek fasilitas pengolahan dan pemurnian mineral (smelter) PT Freeport Indonesia hanya mencapai 3,86%. Manajemen Freeport menilai, angka itu hampir memenuhi rencana pembangunan yang disampaikan kepada pemerintah. Direktur Utama Freeport Indonesia, Tony Wenas mengatakan, sampai Februari tahun ini, pembangunan smelter telah mencapai 3,86%. 

"Itu sesuai dengan rencana yang kami saMpaikan ke pemerintah, hampir 100% dari rencana kita. Pada akhir tahun 2022, kami mengharapkan pembangunan smelter sudah Selesai,” ujar dia dalam keterangan resmi, Minggu (5/5).

Dari angka 3,86% tersebut, progres saat ini adalah berkenaan dengan kesiapan lahan. Terkait dengan lahan, Tony biLang, Freeport hanya kurang melakukan pemadatan dan mengeluarkan air yang di dalamnya. 

"Pemadatan dilakukan secara paralel juga dilakukan di lahan inti yang sekitar 35 hektare ada pemancangan paku bumi sambil menunggu kesiapan lahan yang Iain, secara bertahap akan selesai," ungkap dia.

Tony menambahkan, sudah banyak lembaga keuangan yang berminat untuk membiayai investasi pembangunan smelter senilai US$ 2,8 miliar. 

"Baik lembaga keuangan dari luar maupun dalam negeri," tutur dia.

Kontan,Page-14, Monday, May 6, 2019

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