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Grasberg Closed, Freeport's Future Is in the Underground Mine (Part 2)

The Grasberg Mine will be closed this year. Instead, Freeport Indonesia will operate an underground mine located below the Grasberg open pit. What is the potential for production in the new mine and operational fate after 2041?

The Grasberg Mine

PT Freeport Indonesia's transition period is currently underway. Gradually, the open pit of the Grasberg mine began to be closed. As a result, Freeport's production automatically owed drastically because it switched to undergorund mine deep ore zone (DOZ) and deep mill level zone (DMLZ).

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These two underground mines are located around 1,700 meters below the surface of the Grasberg plateau which is as high as 4,200 meters above sea level (masl).

Riza Pratama, Freeport Indonesia's Corporate Communication Vice President stated that the length of road infrastructure in the underground mine can reach 500 kilometers.

"It's not straight, but branches. There's even a twist down," Riza said, while accompanying the group of ESDM Minister Ignasius Jonan to see the Grasberg Symbol and underground mine, Friday (4/5).

Riza, said, the air in the tunnel is very clean because in every corner of the tunnel hole a giant fan is placed to remove the dirty air inside and put clean air into the tunnel. The quality of oxygen in the tunnel is good, because there is technology to supply oxygen at every angle.

We headed for a 7 kilometer location from the entry point. This includes a stable location, because all the tunnel walls have been cast by concrete.

"Stable, because we plug iron nails and cast them," added Riza.

Officer Car in the Tunnel

As a result, if there is a vibration, the tunnel does not collapse. The width of the tunnel of the Freeport underground mine is very wide, about 10 meters and its height is around 10 meters. 

     The lights in each tunnel are very bright, so there are no dark gaps in the underground mine. Seen several large generators to support electricity. While the heavy equipment also looks stand-by to be ready for use.

mosque and a church in the underground mine

What's interesting in the underground mine is a mosque and a church next to each other. Both facilities have earned MURI records. With the worship facilities, Freeport mine workers do not need to go out of the tunnel to worship.

mosque and a church in the underground mine

 There are three shifts for workers who mine there. The total number of workers in the bowels of the earth is around 1,000-2000 workers.

Later, if Grasberg is completely closed, there will be around 7,096 who will work underground. The heavy equipment used in Grasberg is no longer used.

"Different Haul trucks and heavy equipment for Grasberg are not used anymore, replace smaller ones," he added.

Riza said, to mine in the undergorund, workers detonated rocks which proved to have copper and gold content, then the workers move away or enter the banker.

"There was a siren to tell us that there would be an explosion," he said.

Workers must enter the banker because in some cases blasting, toxic gases often come out. Workers are always ready with oxygen devices at the waist.

"That is to help workers get to the banker to be safe," said Riza.

The underground Gold Mine Freeport McMoran

The underground mine in Indonesia is quite complicated. Even Freeport McMoran has no mines as complex as in the world, other than in Papua.

"So, you can imagine, the investment is big," he added.

State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN) manage 100%

ESDM Minister Ignasius Jonan assured that after 2041 or the expiration of Freeport's permit, BUMN could fully own an underground mine.

"Question, is there still no backup? Of course it's still there," he said.

Of course, assuming Freeport continues to mine 3 million tons of concentrate per year, there is still an additional 15 years to complete in 2041.

"If explored again, you can add another 20 years, maybe until 2100 it can be mined," he said.

Tony Wenas

Freeport Indonesia's President Director Tony Wenas said, after 2041, there were still proven reserves of around 2 billion tons.

"It can still be mined," he said.

Ignasius Jonan

Jonan connected again, so that the 20-year process was successful, the government decided to defend Freeport's management when "Someone said, could it be operational from an Antam person?

      You can debate this. I think management is just now. The thing is, this is complicated, complex, "he said.
The President Director of Freeport Indonesia when elected jointly by the government and Freeport McMoran. (Finish)


Grasberg Tutup, Masa Depan Freeport Ada di Underground Mine

Tambang Grasberg segera ditutup pada tahun ini. Sebagai gantinya, Freeport Indonesia akan mengoperasikan tambang bawah tanah yang letaknya di bawah open pit Grasberg. Bagaimana potensi produksi di tambang baru itu dan nasib operasional setelah tahun 2041? 

Masa transisi PT Freeport Indonesia saat ini sedang berlangsung. Secara bertahap, open pit tambang Grasberg mulai ditutup. Alhasil, produksi Freeport otomatis berkutang drastis karena beralih ke undergorund mine deep ore zone (DOZ) dan deep mill level zone (DMLZ).

Dua tambang bawah tanah ini terletak di sekitar 1.700 meter di bawah permukaan dataran tinggi Grasberg yang setinggi 4.200 meter di atas permukaan laut (mdpl).

Riza Pratama, Vice President Corporate Communication Freeport Indonesia menyatakan bahwa panjang infrastruktur jalan di underground mine bisa mencapai 500 kilometer. 

"Tidak lurus yah, tetapi bercabang-cabang. Bahkan ada yang memutar ke bawah,“ ujar Riza, saat menemani rombongan Menteri ESDM Ignasius Jonan melihat Lambang Grasberg dan underground mine, Jumat (4/5). 

Riza, mengatakan, udara yang ada di dalam terowongan sangat bersih karena di setiap sudut lubang terowongan ditaruh kipas angin raksasa untuk membuang udara kotor di dalam dan memasukan udara bersih ke dalam terowongan. Kualitas oksigen di dalam terowongan pun baik, lantaran ada teknologi untuk menyuplai oksigen di setiap sudut.

Kami menuju lokasi sepanjang 7 kilometer dari titik masuk. Ini termasuk lokasi yang sudah stabil, karena semua dinding terowongan sudah dicor oleh beton. 

"Stabil, karena kita tancapkan paku besi dan dicor," imbuh Riza.

Alhasil, jika ada getaran, terowongan tidak sampai runtuh. Adapun lebar terowongan tambang bawah tanah Freeport sangat luas, sekitar 10 meter dan tingginya pun sekitar 10 meter. Lampu di setiap lorong terowongan sangat terang, sehingga tidak ada celah yang gelap di tambang bawah tanah itu. Terlihat beberapa generator besar untuk mendukung kelistrikan. Sementara alat berat juga terlihat stand by untuk siap digunakan.

Yang menarik di dalam tambang underground ada masjid dan gereja yang letaknya bersebelahan. Kedua fasilitas itu sudah mendapatkan rekor MURI. Dengan fasilitas tempat ibadah itu, pekerja tambang Freeport tidak perlu keluar terowongan untuk beribadah. Ada tiga shift bagi pekerja yang menambang di sana. Total jumlah pekerja di dalam perut bumi itu sekitar 1.000-2000 pekerja.

Nantinya, jika Grasberg sudah tutup total, ada sekitar 7.096 yang akan bekerja di underground. Adapun alat berat yang dipakai di Grasberg tidak lagi digunakan. 

"Berbeda Haul truck dan alat berat untuk Grasberg tidak dipakai lagi, ganti yang lebih kecil," imbuh dia.

Riza menceritakan, untuk menambang di undergorund, pekerja meledakkan batuan yang terbukti ada kandungan tembaga dan emasnya, lalu para pekerja menjauh atau masuk ke dalam banker. 

"Ada sirine terlebih dahulu untuk memberitahu bahwa akan ada ledakan," ujarnya.

Pekerja harus masuk ke dalam banker karena dalam beberapa kasus peledakan, sering keluar gas beracun. Pekerja selalu siap dengan perangkat oksigen di pinggang. 

"Itu untuk membantu pekerja sampai ke banker agar selamat," tutur Riza. 

Tambang underground di Indonesia terbilang rumit. Bahkan Freeport McMoran tidak memiliki tambang serumit di dunia, selain di Papua. 

"Jadi, bisa dibayangkan, investasinya besar," imbuh dia.

Badan Usaha Milik Negara (BUMN) kelola 100%

Menteri ESDM Ignasius Jonan menyakinkan bahwa selepas tahun 2041 atau masa berakhirnya izin Freeport, BUMN bisa secara penuh memiliki tambang underground. 

"Pertanyaan, masih ada tidak cadangannya? Tentu masih ada," Ujarnya.

Tentu saja, dengan asumsi Freeport tetap menambang 3 juta ton konsentrat per tahun, masih ada tambahan waktu 15 tahun lagi selesai di tahun 2041. 

"Kalau dieksplorasi lagi, bisa tambah 20 tahun lagi, mungkin bisa sampai tahun 2100 bisa ditambang" tuturnya.

Direktur Utama Freeport Indonesia Tony Wenas bilang, selepas 2041, masih ada cadangan terbukti sekitar 2 miliar ton. 

"Masih bisa terus ditambang," kata dia.

Jonan menyambung lagi, agar proses selama 20 tahun ini berhasil, pemerintah memutuskan untuk mempertahankan manajemen Freeport saat   
"Ada yang bilang, bisa tidak operasionalnya dari orang Antam? 

Nah bisa debat ini. Saya kira manajemen saat ini saja. Soalnya, ini rumit, kompleks," ungkap dia.

Dirut Freeport Indonesia saat dipilih bersama oleh pemerintah dan Freeport McMoran. 

Kontan, Page-14, Wednesday, May 8, 2019

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