PTBA Dividend Receiver in Mysterious Injury Time
12:24 PM
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PTBA should open the recipient of IDR 166.71 billion in dividends for the ownership of 490.87 million shares
PT Bukit Asam Tbk (PTBA) is currently at the attention of market participants. In Wednesday's trading (8/5), there was a crossing transaction of this government-owned share. This crossing of shares occurred as PTBA's actions released back buyback shares to the market.
The crossing transaction included 786.66 million PTBA shares at an average price of Rp. 3,400 per share. That is, the total value of the transaction reached Rp 2.67 trillion.
Transactions are served by three brokers, namely Danareksa Sekuritas, BNI Sekuritas and Bahana Sekuritas. Based on RTI data, Danareksa Sekuritas moved around 4.16 million lots, equivalent to around 400 million PTBA shares.
Contributors of KONTAN said that PT Indonesia Asahan Aluminum (Inalum) absorbed 400 million shares. While the rest of the local and foreign fund managers. Rendi Witular, Corporate Secretary of Inalum, confirmed that Inalum was behind the crossing transaction.
"But, how many are absorbed, we haven't got the details yet," he told KONTAN on Wednesday (8/5).
PTBA management is not yet willing to explain this treasury stock transaction. What is clear, the crossing transaction leaves a question about PTBA's dividend distribution. Because, there are dividend recipients whose ownership is mysterious. For the record, PTBA will share the net profit dividend 2018 this month. This cum date dividend is set on Monday (6/5), with payment on May 29, 2019.
Referring to the information disclosure of the Indonesian Central Securities Depository (KSEI), yesterday, the value of PTBA dividends was set at Rp. 339,631 per share. The total value of dividends divided is Rp. 33.77 trillion. Based on this number, it means that there are 11.09 billion units of shares containing dividends.
Who is the recipient of IDR 166.71 billion in dividends?
Interestingly, when looking at PTBA's share ownership data as of April 30, Inalum has 7.49 billion shares, equivalent to 65.02%. While the total shares under 5% reached 3.11 billion (27.02%). There are also 917.11 million treasury shares (7.96%). If these treasury shares have not been sold, they are not counted as dividends. Thus, the total dividend recipient shares must be 10.63 billion.
However, the number of dividend recipient shares is 11.07 billion, meaning that there are around 490.87 million shares which also receive dividends. The total value enjoyed is around Rp. 166.71 billion.
Who is the recipient? So far it's still mysterious. PTBA management should disclose it to the public. Prior to this, PTBA Corporate Secretary Suherman said, when the GMS determines dividends, treasury shares have not been counted as dividend dividers.
"The possibility of becoming more if treasury stocks are sold," he told KONTAN.
However, the PTBA crossing transaction occurred after passing an ex date dividend on Tuesday (7/5). If indeed Inalum receives dividends from the purchase of treasury shares, Inalum receives funds of around Rp 2.53 trillion.
Yesterday, PTBA's share price dropped 6.18% to Rp 2,190 per share. Even so, analysts from Binaartha Sekuritas Nafan Aji saw the decline as reasonable. When there are large transactions, the buyer wants a discounted price. The decline also began to be limited.
"PTBA shares will rebound," Nafan added.
Penerima Dividen PTBA di Injury Time nan Misterius
PTBA sebaiknya membuka penerima dividen Rp 166,71 miliar atas kepemilikan 490,87 juta saham
PT Bukit Asam Tbk (PTBA) sedang menajdi perhatian pelaku pasar. Pada perdagangan Rabu (8/5), terjadi transaksi tutup sendiri (crossing) saham milik pemerintah ini. Crossing saham ini terjadi seiring aksi PTBA melepas kembali saham buyback ke pasar. Transaksi crossing tersebut meliputi 786,66 juta saham PTBA di harga rata-rata Rp 3.400 per saham. Artinya, total nilai transaksi tersebut mencapai Rp 2,67 triliun.
Transaksi dilayani oleh tiga broker, yakni Danareksa Sekuritas, BNI Sekuritas dan Bahana Sekuritas. Berdasarkan data RTI, Danareksa Sekuritas memindahkan sekitar 4,16 juta lot atau setara sekitar 400 juta saham PTBA.
Intelijen KONTAN menyebutkan, PT Indonesia Asahan Aluminium (Inalum) menyerap 400 juta saham tersebut. Sementara selebihnya fund manager lokal dan asing. Rendi Witular, Sekretaris Perusahaan Inalum, mengonfirmasi bahwa Inalum berada di balik transaksi crossing tersebut.
"Tapi, berapa yang diserap, kami belum dapat detailnya," ujar dia kepada KONTAN, Rabu (8/5).
Manajemen PTBA belum bersedia menjelaskan transaksi saham treasury ini. Yang terang, transaksi crossing tersebut menyisakan pertanyaan tentang pembagian dividen PTBA. Sebab, ada saham penerima dividen yang kepemilikannya misterius. Sebagai catatan, PTBA akan membagi dividen laba bersih 2018 di bulan ini. Cum date dividen ini ditetapkan pada Senin (6/5), dengan pembayaran pada 29 Mei 2019.
Merujuk keterbukaan informasi Kustodian Sentral Efek Indonesia (KSEI), kemarin, nilai dividen PTBA ditetapkan Rp 339,631 per saham. Total nilai dividen yang dibagi mencapai Rp 33,77 triliun. Berdasarkan angka ini, berarti ada 11,09 miliar unit saham yang mengandung dividen.
Siapa penerima dividen Rp 166,71 miliar?
Yang menarik, bila menilik data kepemilikan saham PTBA per 30 April, Inalum memiliki 7,49 miliar saham, setara 65,02%. Sementara total saham di bawah 5% mencapai 3,11 miliar (27,02%). Ada pula saham treasury 917,11 juta (7,96%). Saham treasury ini bila belum terjual tidak dihitung sebagai pembagi dividen. Dengan demikian, total saham penerima dividen harusnya 10,63 miliar.
Namun menilik jumlah saham penerima dividen yang mencapai 11,07 miliar, artinya ada sekitar 490,87 juta saham yang ikut juga menerima dividen. Total nilai yang dinikmati sekitar Rp. 166,71 Miliar.
Siapa penerimanya? Sejauh ini masih misterius. Manajemen PTBA sebaiknya mengungkapkannya ke publik. Sebelum ini, Sekretaris Perusahaan PTBA Suherman menuturkan, saat RUPS penentuan dividen, saham treasury belum dihitung sebagai pembagi dividen.
"Kemungkinan menjadi lebih banyak kalau saham treasury terjual," ujar dia kepada KONTAN.
Hanya saja, transaksi crossing PTBA tersebut terjadi setelah melewati ex date dividen pada Selasa (7/5). Bila memang Inalum menerima dividen dari pembelian saham treasury, Inalum memperoleh dana sekitar Rp 2,53 triliun.
Kemarin, harga saham PTBA turun 6,18% ke level Rp 2.190 per saham. Meski begitu, analis Binaartha Sekuritas Nafan Aji melihat, penurunan tersebut wajar. Ketika ada transaksi besar, pembeli menginginkan harga diskon. Penurunannya juga mulai terbatas.
"Saham PTBA akan rebound," imbuh Nafan.
Kontan, Page-1, Thursday, May 9, 2019
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