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Inalum Begins to Pay in installments on Debt Securities

     Global installment bonds must be paid in May and November 2019 worth US $ 300 million

This May, PT Indonesia Asahan Aluminum (lnalum) starts paying installments on the issuance of bond coupons from global bonds. The US dollar-denominated debt is to pay for the acquisition of 51.2% of Freeport McMoran's shares in PT Freeport Indonesia (PTFI), US $ 3.85 billion. From the results of the global bond issuance in November 2018, Inalum reached around US $ 4 billion.

Well, there are two coupon payments that must be paid by Inalum this year, namely in May and November. Inalum Corporate Secretary Rendi A Witular said that the installments to be paid by Inalum this year amounted to US $ 300 million. However, Rendi did not want to disclose the amount of the distribution of funds to be paid in May and November.

"What is clear in a year is that it pays US $ 300 million," said Rendi.

He added, the exchange rate used in the payment uses the most competitive exchange rate from the comparison of the exchange rate at the time of global bond issuance and the current exchange rate.

"We use the most competitive rupiah exchange rate," he said.

Rendi stated, Inalum's current financial position is in a healthy condition. As a result, the BUMN mining industry holding is not worried to finance global bond installments. The debt payment will use the company's internal cash.

"The internal cash position is still sufficient. There are no problems," he added.

Even though his side has not received additional funds from the dividend distribution of three members of the BUMN mining holding, Inalum's internal cash position is believed to be still safe to pay the debt installments. As of quarter I-2019, Inalum has internal cash of around Rp. 21.4 trillion.

"That does not include additional dividends (three issuers of holding members)," he said.

As an illustration, in fiscal year 2018, Inalum received a dividend payment of Rp 2.76 trillion from three holding members. This value comes from PT Bukit Asam Tbk (PTBA) dividends, PT Aneka Tambang Tbk (Antam), and PT Timah Tbk (TINS)

Rendy stated that the dividend deposit funds would be used to fulfill three requirements. First, dividend payments to the government. Second, downstream project funding. Third, pay bond coupons.


Inalum Mulai Mencicil Pelunasan Surat Utang

Cicilan global bond harus dibayarkan pada Mei dan November 2019 senilai US$ 300 Juta

Bulan Mei ini, PT Indonesia Asahan Aluminium (lnalum) mulai membayar cicilan penerbitan kupon obligasi dari surat utang global (global bond). Surat utang berdenominasi dollar AS itu untuk membayar akuisisi 51,2% saham PT Freeport Indonesia (PTFI) milik Freeport McMoran seniiai US$ 3,85 miliar. Dari hasil penerbitan global bond pada November 2018, Inalum meraih dana sekitar US$ 4 miliar.

Nah, ada dua kali pembayaran kupon yang harus dilunasi Inalum tahun ini, yakni pada Mei dan November. Sekretaris Perusahaan Inalum Rendi A Witular mengungkapkan, cicilan yang akan dibayarkan Inalum pada tahun ini berjumlah US$ 300 juta. Namun Rendi belum mau mengungkapkan besaran pembagian dana yang akan dibayarkan pada bulan Mei dan November itu.

"Yang jelas dalam setahun intinya membayar US$ 300 juta," kata Rendi.

Dia menambahkan, nilai tukar yang dipakai dalam pembayaran tersebut menggunakan kurs yang paling kompetitif dari perbandingan nilai kurs saat penerbitan global bond dan nilai kurs saat ini. 

"Kami menggunakan kurs rupiah yang paling kompetitif," tandasnya.

Rendi menyatakan, sekarang ini posisi keuangan Inalum berada dalam kondisi yang sehat. Alhasil, holding industri pertambangan BUMN ini tak khawatir untuk membiayai cicilan global bond. Pembayaran utang tersebut akan menggunakan kas internal perusahaan ini. 

"Posisi kas internal masih cukup. Tidak ada masalah," imbuhnya.

Sekalipun pihaknya belum mendapatkan tambahan dana dari pembagian dividen tiga anggota holding pertambangan BUMN, posisi kas internal Inalum diyakini masih aman untuk membayar cicilan utang tersebut. Per kuartal I-2019, Inalum memiliki kas internal sekitar Rp 21,4 triliun. 

"Itu belum termasuk tambahan dari dividen (tiga emiten anggota holding)," ungkapnya.

Sebagai gambaran, pada tahun buku 2018, Inalum mendapatkan setoran dividen senilai Rp 2,76 triliun dari tiga anggota holding. Nilai tersebut berasal dari dividen PT Bukit Asam Tbk (PTBA), PT Aneka Tambang Tbk (Antam), dan PT Timah Tbk (TINS)

Rendy menyatakan, dana setoran dividen tersebut akan digunakan untuk memenuhi tiga keperluan. Pertama, setoran dividen ke pemerintah. Kedua, pendanaan proyek hilirisasi. Ketiga, membayar kupon obligasi.

Kontan, Page-1, Saturday, May 11, 2019

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