, pub-9591068673925608, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Ex-Freeport employees continue to go head. - MEDIA MONITORING GOLD MINE -->

Ex-Freeport employees continue to go head.

Act against the law

The former PT Freeport Indonesia employee continued to fight for a lawsuit against BPJS Kesehatan (Health Social Security Organizing Agency), Mimika Regency Health BPJS, and the United States mining company, despite being rejected by the Central Jakarta District Court.

BPJS Kesehatan

The lawsuit lost on the interlocutory decision agenda. The Central Jakarta District Court in its ruling stated that it was not authorized to try the case against the Law (PMH) filed by former Freeport employees, represented by Ama Nur Jaman Hobrouw and Ivanna Margaretha Kawatak. Both of them sued BPJS Kesehatan (defendant I), Health BPJS of Mimika Regency (defendant II) and PT Freeport Indonesia (defendant III) in case No. 265 / Pdt.G / 2018 / PN Jkt.Pst.

"The court is not authorized, judging to grant the exception of Defendant III [Freeport Indonesia] and the Central Jakarta District Court not authorized to try this case," said the panel of judges chaired by Bambang Edhy Supriyanto from the Central Jakarta PN Search Information System (SIPP) quoted by Bisnis, Tuesday (6/25).

Based on the case investigation, the court sentenced the interlocutory to January 15, 2019. Furthermore, the two plaintiffs filed an appeal on January 29, 2019 and submitted an appeal memory on April 1, 2019. The attorney of the former PT Freeport employee Ardi Dana said his party was disappointed on the decision of the panel of judges, because the judge assessed legal disputes between former Freeport employees and their companies regarding industrial relations.

"Therefore we appeal, and, the trial is still ongoing. We are disappointed in the first court, because it has nothing to do with the Industrial Relations Court [PHI] and this case is closely related to acts against the law, "said Ardi.

The appeal memory submitted to the Jakarta High Court, demanded that legal cases between ex-employees not be a matter of PHI but Acts Unlawful. According to him, when ex-PT Freeport Indonesia employees were laid off en masse by the company, BPJS Kesehatan should clarify and find out the occurrence of unilateral dismissal of work by PT Freeport Indonesia.

"Until now there is no step by BPJS Kesehatan to find out why mass layoffs have occurred. In fact, Health BPJS is a public body. Even the BPJS Health membership is deactivated, "he said.

The Head of the Timika Workers Union Union Branch Manager Tri Puspital also conveyed the same thing. Tri questioned the court's decision to decide the case, which should have been resolved in the IRC, even though the Health BPJS was the main defendant.

"Why did the court grant the exception of the defendant III [PT Freeport Indonesia]. We are confused, why BPJS Kesehatan is not a defendant by the court. "BPJS Kesehatan has until now been passive with the termination of unilateral work from Freeport Indonesia," he said.

However, he sincerely hopes that the Court of Appeal grants the memory of the appeals court filed by his colleagues and receives compensation for the effects of termination of work carried out by PT Freeport Indonesia.

Legal disputes between former 4,000 employees of PT Freeport Indonesia and the defendants began when former employees filed a class action at the PMH case on May 3, 2018. The case was filed by an ex employee because PT Freeport acted unfairly dismissing the impact of conducting a mass strike against the company in April 2017. Not only laying off, PT Freeport Indonesia, according to the plaintiffs, also deactivated their Health BPJS status.

Contacted separately, BPJS Health Public Relations Chief M. Iqbal Anas Ma'ruf was reluctant to comment much regarding the appeal efforts of former PT Freeport Indonesia employees. Iqbal said that he respected the legal steps of former legal employees to appeal.

"We appreciate the court's decision. Regarding the appeal, the BPJS Kesehatan certainly respects the plaintiff's decision and [BPJS] will make legal efforts to the maximum extent possible, "he said.

Riza Pratama

   Meanwhile, PT Freeport Indonesia spokesman Riza Pratama, who was contacted separately, did not answer the short message sent by the Business Daily.


Eks Karyawan Freeport Terus Maju

Eks karyawan PT Freeport Indonesia terus maju memperjuangkan gugatan terhadap BPJS Kesehatan (Badan Penyelenggara Jaminan Sosial Kesehatan), BPJS Kesehatan Kabupaten Mimika, dan perusahaan tambang asal Amerika Serikat itu, kendati telah ditolak oleh Pengadilan Negeri Jakarta Pusat.

Gugatan itu kalah dalam agenda putusan sela. Pengadilan Negeri Jakarta Pusat dalam amar putusannya menyatakan, tidak berwenang mengadili perkara Perbuatan Melawan Hukum (PMH) yang diajukan oleh eks karyawan PT Freeport, yang diwakili Ama Nur Jaman Hobrouw dan Ivanna Margaretha Kawatak. Keduanya menggugat BPJS Kesehatan (tergugat I), BPJS Kesehatan Kabupaten Mimika (tergugat II) dan PT Freeport Indonesia (tergugat III) dalam perkara No. 265/Pdt.G/2018/PN Jkt.Pst.

“Pengadilan tidak berwenang, mengadili mengabulkan eksepsi tergugat III [Freeport Indonesia] dan PN Jakarta Pusat tidak berwenang mengadili perkara ini,” kata majelis hakim yang diketuai Bambang Edhy Supriyanto dari isi petitum Sistem Informasi Penelusuran Perkara (SIPP) PN Jakarta Pusat yang dikutip Bisnis,
Selasa (25/6).

Berdasarkan penelusuran perkara, pengadilan menjatuhkan hukuman putusan sela tersebut pada 15 Januari 2019. Selanjutnya, kedua penggugat mengajukan permohonan banding (pembanding) pada 29 Januari 2019 dan menyerahkan memori banding pada 1 April 2019. Kuasa hukum eks karyawan PT Freeport Ardi Dana mengatakan, pihaknya kecewa atas putusan majelis hakim tersebut, karena hakim menilai sengketa hukum antara eks karyawan Freeport dan perusahaannya menyangkut hubungan industrial. 

“Oleh karena itu kami banding, dan, persidangan masih berlangsung. Kami kecewa pada pengadilan pertama, karena tidak ada hubungannya dengan Pengadilan Hubungan Industrial [PHI] dan perkara ini erat dengan perbuatan melawan hukum,” kata Ardi.

Memori banding yang diserahkan kepada Pengadilan Tinggi (PT) Jakarta, menuntut bahwa perkara hukum antara eks karyawan bukan perkara PHI tetapi Perbuatan Melawan Hukum. Menurutnya, saat eks karyawan PT Freeport Indonesia diberhentikan secara massal oleh perusahaan, semestinya BPJS Kesehatan mengklarifikasi dan mencari tahu kejadian pemberhentian kerja secara sepihak oleh PT Freeport Indonesia.

“Sampai detik ini tidak ada langkah BPJS Kesehatan untuk mencari tahu kenapa PHK massal itu terjadi. Padahal, BPJS Kesehatan adalah badan publik. Bahkan
keanggotaan BPJS Kesehatan malah di-nonaktifkan,” ucapnya.

Ketua Pimpinan Cabang Serikat Pekerja Timika Tri Puspital juga menyampaikan hal yang sama. Tri mempenanyakan putusan pengadilan yang memutuskan perkara tersebut, yang semestinya diselesaikan dalam PHI, padahal BPJS Kesehatan adalah tergugat utama.

“Kenapa pengadilan mengabulkan eksepsi tergugat III [PT Freeport Indonesia]. Kami bingung, mengapa BPJS Kesehatan tidak menjadi turut tergugat oleh pengadilan. BPJS Kesehatan sampai sekarang pasif dengan pemberhentian kerja sepihak dari Freeport Indonesia,” ujarnya.

Namun, dia sangat berharap agar Pengadilan Tinggi mengabulkan memori pengadilan banding yang diajukan para rekan kerjanya dan mendapatkan ganti rugi atas dampak pemutusan kerja yang dilakukan PT Freeport Indonesia.

Sengketa hukum antara eks 4.000 karyawan PT Freeport Indonesia dan para tergugat bermula ketika eks karyawan mengajukan class action pada perkara PMH pada 3 Mei 2018 lalu. Perkara diajukan eks karyawan karena PT Freeport bertindak tidak adil memberhentikan secara sepihak atas dampak melakukan mogok massal melawan perusahaan pada April 2017. Tidak hanya mem-PHK, PT Freeport Indonesia, menurut para penggugat, juga menonaktifkan status BPJS Kesehatan mereka.

Dihubungi terpisah, Kepala Humas BPJS Kesehatan M. Iqbal Anas Ma’ruf enggan berkomentar banyak terkait dengan upaya banding dari eks karyawan PT Freeport Indonesia. Iqbal mengatakan, pihaknya menghormati langkah hukum eks karyawan hukum melakukan banding.

“Kami mengapresiasi keputusan pengadilan. Terkait banding tentu BPJS Kesehatan menghormati keputusan penggugat dan [BPJS] akan melakukan upaya hukum semaksimal mungkin,” ujarnya.

Sementara itu, juru bicara PT Freeport Indonesia Riza Pratama yang dihubungi terpisah, tidak menjawab pesan singkat yang dikirmkan oleh Harian Bisnis.

Bisnis Indonesia, Page-11, Wednesday, June 26, 2019

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