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Application for Additional Freeport Production Quota Approved

The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) approved the request of PT Freeport Indonesia, which proposes the addition of copper concentrate production. Additional production was allocated for overseas shipments. That way, Freeport's export quota until March 2020 will almost reach half a million tons of copper concentrate.

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ESDM Ministry's Mineral and Coal Director General Bambang Gatot said the request for additional production was submitted in revised Budget Work Plan (RKAB). He called the end of August the RKAB approved.

"It has been agreed to increase Freeport production," said Bambang in Jakarta.

Bambang said the additional allowable production quota reached 300 thousand tons of copper concentrate. Later the amount was sent abroad. Because of this, Freeport also has a revised recommendation for an Export Approval Letter (EAL or SPE). 

    In the SPE mentioned export quota that has been approved by the government until March 2020 around 198,282 tons. But with the addition of production, the quota was mentioned in the SPE exports to around 498 thousand tons. For the period of validity the export remains until March 2020. The reason is that the export permit is valid for a year and can be extended for the next year.

"The export recommendations are revised. Plus 300 thousand tons, "he said.

Riza Pratama

Freeport Indonesia spokesman Riza Pratama previously said the increase in quota was not due to increased production. But from the stock in the open pit (open pit) Grasberg which can still be used. It's just that he has not been able to reveal the proposed quota increase. Riza said Freeport's production this year was around 1.2 million tons. Of that amount one million tons was sent to PT Smelting for purification. 

     While the rest exports to several countries such as Japan, Korea, China and India. Concentrate export quota that has been approved by the government until March 2020 is around 198,282 tons. Riza said the addition of production quota this year would be absorbed by smelters in several of these countries.

"If there is an interest or standby buyer, there will be. But that's why we still need to calculate the amount, "he said.

Freeport's export quota this year is much lower than the previous period which reached 1.2 million tons. The low export quota is because Freeport is in the transition period from the Grasberg open pit mine to an underground mine. It is planned that underground mining production will return to normal in the coming 2022. Turning to an underground mine because of the exhaustion of copper reserves in the open pit.

The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources extended the concentrate export permit because the Freeport smelter construction met the requirements. As for the smelter's progress up to February yesterday it reached 3.86%. Freeport is building a smelter in Gresik, East Java with a capacity of 2 million tons of copper concentrate. The progress of the project is in the form of compaction of land and removing water in the ground.


Permohonan Tambahan Kuota Produksi Freeport Disetujui

Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) menyetujui permohonan PT Freeport Indonesia yang mengajukan penambahan produksi konsentrat tembaga. Penambahan produksi itu dialokasikan untuk pengiriman ke luar negeri. Dengan begitu maka kuota ekspor Freeport hingga Maret 2020 mendatang hampir mencapai setengah juta ton konsentrat tembaga. 

Direktur Jenderal Mineral dan Batu Bara Kementerian ESDM Bambang Gatot mengatakan permohonan penambahan produksi itu diajukan dalam
revisi Rencana Kerja Anggaran Biaya (RKAB). Dia menyebut akhir Agustus kemarin RKAB tersebut disetujui. 

“Sudah disetujui penambahan produksi Freeport,” kata Bambang di Jakarta.

Bambang menuturkan kuota tambahan produksi yang diizinkan tersebut mencapai 300 ribu ton konsentrat tembaga. Nantinya jumlah tersebut dikirim ke luar negeri. Oleh sebab itu Freeport pun mengantongi revisi rekomendasi Surat Persetujuan Ekspor (SPE). Dalam SPE itu disebutkan kuota ekspor yang telah disetujui pemerintah hingga Maret 2020 sekitar 198.282 ton. 

     Namun dengan adanya penambahan produksi maka dalam SPE disebutkan kuota ekspor menjadi sekitar 498 ribu ton. Untuk masa berlaku ekspor masih tetap hingga Maret 2020. Pasalnya pemberian izin ekspor berlaku selama setahun dan dapat diperpanjang untuk setahun berikutnya. 

“Rekomendasi ekspornya direvisi. Ditambah 300 ribu ton,” ujarnya.

Juru bicara Freeport Indonesia Riza Pratama sebelumnya mengatakan penambahan kuota itu bukan karena peningkatan produksi. Melainkan dari stok di tambang terbuka (open pit) Grasberg yang masih bisa dimanfaatkan. Hanya saja dia belum bisa membeberkan penambahan kuota yang diajukan. Riza menuturkan produksi Freeport tahun ini sekitar 1,2 juta ton. 

     Dari jumlah itu sebanyak satu juta ton dikirim ke PT Smelting untuk dimurnikan. Sedangkan sisanya ekspor ke beberapa negara seperti Jepang, Korea, Tiongkok ser ta India. Adapun kuota ekspor konsentrat yang telah disetujui pemerintah hingga Maret 2020 sekitar 198.282 ton. Riza menyebut penambahan kuota produksi tahun ini bakal diserap oleh smelter di beberapa negara tersebut. 

“Kalau yang minat atau standby buyer sih pasti ada. Tapi kan makanya besarannya berapa tetap perlu kami hitung,” ujarnya.

Kuota ekspor Freeport tahun ini jauh lebih rendah ketimbang periode sebelumnya yang mencapai 1,2 juta ton. Rendahnya kuota ekspor lantaran Freeport sedang dalam masa transisi dari tambang terbuka Grasberg menuju tambang bawah tanah. Rencananya produksi tambang bawah tanah kembali normal pada 2022 mendatang. Beralihnya ke tambang bawah tanah lantaran habisnya cadangan tembaga di tambang terbuka.

Kementerian ESDM memberikan perpanjangan izin ekspor konsentrat lantaran pembangunan smelter Freeport memenuhi persyaratan. Adapun kemajuan smelter itu hingga Febr uari kemarin mencapai 3,86%. Freeport membangun smelter di Gresik, Jawa Timur dengan kapasitas 2 juta ton konsentrat tembaga. Adapun progres proyek berupa pemadatan lahan serta mengeluarkan air-air yang di dalam tanah.

Investor Daily, Page-9, Tuesday, Sept 3, 2019

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