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Freeport's Export Quota Increases

The government approved PT Freeport Indonesia's proposal to increase the copper concentrate export quota. The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) issued a recommendation of around 500,000 tons of copper concentrate for Freeport. As a result, in total Freeport Indonesia's export quota became 698,282 tons. Previously, on 8 March 2019 Freeport had obtained an export quota permit of 198,282 tons.

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"It has been completed, an additional export permit for Freeport has been issued," said the Director of Mineral Development and Exploitation of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, Yunus Saefulhak, in Office of the Coordinating Ministry for Economic Affairs, Friday (9/13). The export quota is valid until March 8, 2020.

According to Yunus, the addition of quota for Freeport is possible because there is an optimization of production at the Grasberg open pit. Grasberg's mining life is longer than originally projected, which is expected to close by the middle of this year.

"There are potentials, there is still optimization of open pit mining," Yunus explained.

The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources has a number of considerations to provide export recommendations, for example, regarding mineral reserves that can be mined, smelter input capacity, and volume adjustments based on the Work Plan and Budget (WPB/RKAB).

     The assessment also includes the progress of smelter construction being worked on. At the end of August this year, the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources approved the revision of the Freeport Indonesia RKAB. In the revised RKAB, Freeport was approved to increase the production quota to 300,000 tons of copper concentrate.

Prior to the addition, Freeport had pocketed a production quota in the RKAB of around 1.3 million tons. Of these, Freeport supplying around 1 million tons of copper concentrate in the domestic refining plant, PT Smelting, located in Gresik, East Java. The rest are marketed overseas. 

Riza Pratama

     PT Freeport Indonesia's Vice President of Corporate Communication, Riza Pratama, said it was asking for an additional export quota because it still had inventory or stockpiles at the Grasberg open pit. Freeport Indonesia projects it can mine in the Grasberg open pit until the end of this year.

"We estimate that until the end of this year the Grasberg open pit will still be able to produce," said Riza.


Kuota Ekspor Freeport Bertambah

Pemerintah menyetujui proposal PT Freeport Indonesia untuk menambah kuota ekspor konsentrat tembaga. Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) menerbitkan rekomendasi sekitar 500.000 ton konsentrat tembaga bagi Freeport. Alhasil, secara total kuota ekspor milik Freeport Indonesia menjadi 698.282 ton. Sebelumnya, pada 8 Maret 2019 Freeport sudah mengantongi izin kuota ekspor sebesar 198.282 ton. 

“Sudah selesai, sudah keluar izin tambahan ekspor Freeport," ungkap Direktur Pembinaan dan Pengusahaan Mineral Kementerian ESDM, Yunus Saefulhak, di
Kantor Kementerian Koordinator Perekonomian, Jumat (13/9). Kuota ekspor itu berlaku hingga 8 Maret 2020.

Menurut Yunus, penambahan kuota bagi Freeport dimungkinkan lantaran ada optimalisasi produksi di tambang terbuka Grasberg. Usia pertambangan Grasberg lebih panjang dari proyeksi awal, yang diperkirakan akan tutup pada pertengahan tahun ini.

"Ada potensi-potensi, masih ada optimalisasi dari tambang terbuka," jelas Yunus.

Kementerian ESDM memiliki sejumlah pertimbangan untuk mernberikan rekomendasi ekspor, Misalnya, terkait cadangan mineral yang bisa ditambang, kapasitas input pabrik pengolahan (smelter, serta kesesuaian volume berdasarkan Rencana Kerja dan Anggaran Biaya (RKAB). Penilaian itu juga termasuk progres pembangunan smelter yang sedang dikerjakan. 

     Pada akhir Agustus tahun ini, Kementerian ESDM menyetujui revisi RKAB Freeport Indonesia. Dalam revisi RKAB tersebut, Freeport mendapatkan persetujuan menambah kuota produksi 300.000 ton konsentrat tembaga.

Sebelum ada penambahan tersebut, Freeport telah mengantongi kuota produksi dalam RKAB sekitar 1,3 juta ton. Dari jumlah tersebut, Freeport memasok sekitar 1 juta ton konsentrat tembaga kepabrik pemurnian di dalam negeri, yakni PT Smelting yang berlokasi di Gresik, Jawa Timur. Adapun sisanya dipasarkan ke luar negeri. 

     Vice President Corporate Communication PT Freeport Indonesia, Riza Pratama, mengemukakan pihaknya meminta kuota ekspor tambahan lantaran masih memiliki persediaan atau stockpile pada tambang terbuka Grasberg. Freeport Indonesia memproyeksikan bisa menambang di open pit Grasberg hingga akhir tahun ini. 

"Kami memperkirakan sampai akhir tahun ini open pit Grasberg masih bisa berproduksi," ungkap Riza.

Kontan, Page-14, Saturday, September 14, 2019

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