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Freeport Ready to Increase Production

PT Freeport Indonesia can again boost Grasberg's open mining production activities. That was after the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) agreed to increase production through a revised Work Plan and Budget (RKAB) of 300,000 tons of copper concentrate. 

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     ESDM Ministry's Director of Mineral Development and Exploitation, Yunus Saefulhak, said the approval of the revised RKAB was a condition if Freeport wanted to submit an additional export quota. Because the export quota given is in accordance with the amount of production that is the company's plan. One thing is certain, after the revised RKAB was approved, Freeport Indonesia must again submit an additional copper concentrate export quota.

"It's not yet the export quota, that's the rule," he said.

There are several government considerations to decide on the approval of additional quota provision. The considerations included looking at the mineral reserves that could be mined, the input capacity of the processing plant owned, as well as the volume adjustments based on the RKAB and the progress of the smelter project that was being built. 

     The ESDM Ministry's Mineral and Coal Director General, Bambang Gatot Ariyono, previously said that the additional production quota proposed by Freeport Indonesia was around 300,000 tons of concentrate.

Bambang said, the addition of the quota was due to the optimization of production at the Grasberg open pit, which is now undergoing a period of transition to the bavvah land mine.

"The addition of around 300,000 tons of concentrate production is due to optimization at the Grasberg mine," he said some time ago.

Riza Pratama

PT. Freeport Indonesia's Vice President Corporate Communication, Riza Pratama, admitted that her office had not yet received official notification from the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources.

"We have not received an approval letter from the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources. So I can not provide details," he said.

Riza hopes it can get the Approval Letter this week. That's because Freeport wants to immediately submit additional export quotas.

"Hopefully we can get approval for the revised RKAB, so that additional quota (export) can be submitted," he said.


Freeport Siap Menambah Produksi

PT Freeport Indonesia bisa kembali menggenjot aktivitas produksi tambang terbuka atau open mining Grasberg. Hal itu setelah Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) menyetujui penambahan produksi melalui revisi Rencana Kerja dan Anggaran Biaya (RKAB) sebanyak 300.000 ton konsentrat tembaga. 

     Direktur Pembinaan dan Pengusahaan Mineral Kementerian ESDM, Yunus Saefulhak, mengemukakan persetujuan revisi RKAB merupakan syarat apabila Freeport ingin mengajukan tambahan kuota ekspor. Sebab, kuota ekspor yang diberikan menyesuaikan dengan besaran produksi yang menjadi rencana perusahaan. Satu hal yang pasti, setelah revisi RKAB disetujui, Freeport Indonesia harus kembali mengajukan tambahan kuota ekspor konsentrat tembaga.

"Pengajuan kuota ekspor kan belum, ltu aturannya" ungkap dia.

Ada beberapa pertimbangan pemerintah untuk memutuskan persetujuan pemberian kuota tambahan. Pertimbangan itu antara lain melihat Cadangan mineral yang bisa ditambang, kapasitas input pabrik pengolahan yang dimiliki, serta kesesuaian volume berdasarkan RKAB dan progres proyek smelter yang sedang dibangun. 

      Direktur Jenderal Mineral dan Batubara Kementerian ESDM, Bambang Gatot Ariyono, sebelumnya mengatakan tambahan kuota produksi yang diajukan Freeport Indonesia berkisar di angka 300.000 ton konsentrat.

Bambang bilang, penambahan kuota tersebut lantaran adanya optimalisasi produksi di tambang terbuka Grasberg, yang sekarang sedang mengalami periode transisi ke tambang bavvah tanah. 

"Tambahannya sekitar 300.000 ton produksi konsentrat, itu karena ada optimalisasi di tambang Grasberg," kata dia beberapa waktu lalu.

Vice President Corporate Communication PT Freeport Indonesia, Riza Pratama mengaku pihaknya belum mendapatkan pemberitahuan resmi dari Kementerian ESDM. 

"Kami belum menerima Surat persetujuan dari Kementerian ESDM. Jadi saya belum bisa memberikan detailnya," kata dia.

Riza mengharapkan pihaknya bisa mendapatkan Surat Persetujuan tersebut pada pekan ini. Hal itu karena Freeport ingin segera mengajukan tambahan kuota ekspor. 

"Semoga bisa segera dapat persetujuan revisi RKAB, sehingga tambahan kuota (ekspor) bisa diajukan," ungkap dia.

Kontan, Page-14, Monday, Sept 2, 2019

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