, pub-9591068673925608, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Building Smelters, Freeport Has Spent US $ 151.7 Million. - MEDIA MONITORING GOLD MINE -->

Building Smelters, Freeport Has Spent US $ 151.7 Million.

     PT Freeport Indonesia is committed to building a mineral purification facility (copper concentrate smelter with a capacity of 2 million tons. Noted, the amount of funds disbursed to build the smelter reached US $ 151.7 million, from an estimated investment requirement of US $ 2.7 billion.

Biggest Gold Mine of PT Freeport Indonesia

The Director of Mineral Exploitation of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) Yunus Saefulhak said that the progress of the construction of the Freeport smelter is evaluated every six months. Verification of the development of the smelter construction was carried out by an independent surveyor.

"The cost that has been spent by PTFI until the end of July 2019 is US $ 151.7 million," Yunus said in Jakarta last weekend.

Yunus said, the physical construction progress of the smelter had reached 3.21%. The results of the verification exceeded the smelter construction target per six months, which is 2.76%. At present, the construction of the smelter has entered the stage of land maturation. 

     According to him, the progress of smelter construction per six months must reach at least 90% of the work plan for the same period. Failing to meet these criteria, mining companies will be subject to sanctions in the form of revocation of export licenses.

"The physical progress [of the Freeport smelter] achieved is 116% higher than the plan around," he said.

the Java Integrated Industrial and Port Estate (JIIPE)

The Freeport Smelter is located in the Java Integrated Industrial and Port Estate (JIIPE) industrial area of ​​Gresik, East Java. The refining facility is planned to have a copper processing capacity of 2 million tons. Now, the design of this smelter has been changed to be integrated with the slime anode purification facility. The anode slime smelter capacity reaches 6,000 tons.

The addition of the slime anode facility made the smelter investment swell to US $ 2.7 billion from US $ 2.1 billion. In the construction of the slime anode smelter, PT Smelting became a supplier of around 2,000 tons of slime anode. Slime anode is a by-product of refining copper concentrate. Since the beginning of 2017, slime anodes have been included in the type of minerals that must be purified domestically. Therefore, the company was given until 2022 to complete the smelter. 

Riza Pratama

     For smelter funding, Freeport has explored loans with a syndication of 11 domestic and foreign banking institutions. Freeport Indonesia spokesman Riza Pratama previously said, discussions with banking institutions had reached the commitment stage. That is, the banking institution is willing to disburse funds. However, this commitment has not been stated in the agreement.

"There are already banks that are interested in providing funding and are still in the process of agreement," he said.

     Riza explained, the construction of the smelter continues even though it hasn't pocketed a loan from the banking sector. The reason is that the government continues to monitor the progress of the smelter construction by conducting an evaluation every six months. He revealed, the smelter financing is still supported by internal funds.

"Temporary funding is still from Freeport," he explained.

The smelter construction is part of Freeport's agreement with the government in the negotiation of the issuance of the Production Operation Special Mining Business License (IUPK) at the end of 2018 yesterday. Negotiation was because Freeport was willing to give up the Contract of Work. The agreement stated that smelters must be completed no later than five years since the issuance of IUPK. 

     Actually, Freeport has been building smelters since 2014 by renting the land of PT Petrokimia Gresik. However, the construction was stagnant because at that time Freeport needed certainty of operations after the contract ended in 2021. With the IUPK negotiation agreement, Freeport now had the certainty of extending the operation to 2031 and could be extended for another ten years.


Bangun Smelter, Freeport Telah Gelontorkan US$ 151,7 Juta.

PT Freeport Indonesia berkomitmen membangun fasilitas pernurnian mineral (smelter konsentrat tembaga berkapasitas 2 juta ton. Tercatat,
jumlah dana yang telan digelontorkan untuk membangun smelter itu mencapai US$ 151,7 juta, dari perkiraan kebutuhan investasi proyek senilai US$ 2,7 miliar.

Direktur Pembinaan Pengusahaan Mineral Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) Yunus Saefulhak mengatakan, progres pembangunan smelter Freeport dievaluasi setiap enam bulan sekali. Verifikasi perkembangan pembangunan smelter itu dilakukan oleh surveyor independen. 
“Biaya yang telah dibelanjakan oleh PTFI sampai dengan akhir Juli 2019 adalah sebesar US$ 151,7 juta,” kata Yunus di Jakarta, akhir pekan lalu.

Yunus menuturkan, kemajuan konstruksi fisik smelter telah mencapai 3,21%. Hasil verifikasi itu melampaui target pembangunan smelter per enam bulan,
yakni sebesar 2,76%. Saat ini, pembangunan smelter telah memasuki tahap pematangan lahan. Menurut dia, kemajuan pengerjaan smelter per enam bulannya minimal harus mencapai 90% dari rencana kerja untuk periode yang sama. Bila tidak memenuhi kriteria itu maka perusahaan tambang akan dikenakan sanksi berupa pencabutan izin ekspor.

“Kemajuan fisik [smelter Freeport] yang dicapai ini lebih tinggi 116% dari rencana sekitar,” ujarnya.

Smelter Freeport berlokasi di kawasan industri Java Integrated Industrial and Port Estate (JIIPE) Gresik, Jawa Timur. Fasilitas pemurnian ini direncanakan memiliki kapasitas mengolah konsentrat tembaga sebesar 2 juta ton. Kini, desain smelter ini telah diubah menjadi terintegrasi dengan fasilitas pemurnian anoda slime. Kapasitas smelter artoda slime itu mencapai 6.000 ton.

Penambahan fasilitas anoda slime itu membuat investasi smelter membengkak menjadi USS 2,7 miliar dari sebelumnya USS2,1 miliar. Dalam pembangunan smelter anode slime itu, PT Smelting menjadi pemasok anoda slime sekitar 2.000 ton. Anoda slime merupakan produk samping dari pemurnian konsentrat tembaga. Sejak awal 2017 lalu, anoda slime masuk dalam jenis mineral yang harus dimurnikan di dalam negeri. Oleh sebab itu, perusahaan diberi waktu hingga 2022 untuk menyelesaikan smelter. 

     Untuk pendanaan smelter, Freeport telah menjajaki pinjaman dengan sindikasi 11 lembaga perbankan dalam dan luar negeri. Juru bicara Freeport Indonesia Riza Pratama sebelumnya menuturkan, pembahasan dengan lembaga perbankan sudah sampai tahap komitmen. Artinya, lembaga perbankan itu bersedia mengucurkan dananya. Namun komitmen tersebut belum dituang dalam perjanjian.

“Sudah ada bank yang tertarik untuk memberikan pendanaan dan masih dalam proses kesepakatan,” tuturnya.

Riza menerangkan, pembangunan smelter terus berjalan meski belum mengantongi pinjaman dari perbankan. Pasalnya, pemerintah terus memonitor
progres pembangunan smelter dengan melakukan evaluasi setiap enam bulan sekali. Dia mengungkapkan, pembiayaan smelter sampai saat ini masih ditopang dari dana internal.

“Pendanaan sementara masih dari Freeport,” jelas dia.

Pembangunan smelter merupakan bagian dari kesepakatan Freeport dengan pemerintah dalam negoisasi penerbitan Izin Usaha Pertambangan Khusus (IUPK) Operasi Produksi pada akhir 2018 kemarin. Negosisasi itu lantaran Freeport bersedia melepas Kontrak Karya. Dalam kesepakatan itu disebutkan
bahwa smelter harus rampung paling lambat lima tahun semenjak IUPK terbit. 

     Sebenarnya, Freeport sudah membangun smelter sejak 2014 silam dengan menyewa lahan PT Petrokimia Gresik. Namun pembangunannya berjalan stagnan lantaran kala itu Freeport membutuhkan kepastian operasi pasca kontrak berakhir di 2021. Dengan kesepakatan negoisasi IUPK, Freeport kini telah mendapatkan kepastian perpanjangan operasi hingga 2031 dan dapat diperpanjang
sepuluh tahun lagi.

Investor Daily, Page-9, Monday, October 7, 2019

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