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Freeport and Criticism about the Investment Climate

Indonesia is not yet considered to be an investment friendly country. This was indicated by none of the 33 companies originating from China that relocated their factories to Indonesia. According to World Bank research from June to August 2019, 23 factories were relocated to Vietnam, while 10 others were to Thailand, Malaysia and Cambodia. 

Chappy Hakim

     This was raised in the launch of the book Freeport Personal Notes Chappy Hakim, the work of former Air Force Chief of Staff (KSAU) Retired Marshal Chappy Hakim, in Jakarta, Monday (10/28/2019).

Gayus Lumbuun

Present as discussants were former Chief Justice Gayus Lumbuun, senior journalist of Kompas daily Ninok Leksono, and founder of the Jaya Suprana Indonesia World Record Museum. According to Chappy, the unelection of Indonesia as a location for expansion of Chinese companies affected by the US-China trade war shows the problem of the investment climate.

Trade Wars by Pinterest

"Our appearance is not yet investor friendly. This is actually what stimulated me to put it in a book, "said Chappy who had served as President Director of PT Freeport Indonesia (FI) for the 2016-2017 period.

According to Chappy planning to realize investment requires legal certainty. Routine activities, such as purchasing raw materials, production processes, market cultivation, payment of obligations, and others will be disrupted if the situation is uncertain.

"Legal certainty is needed if the government intends to invite more foreign companies to invest," he said.

Gayus added, an important lesson from the PT FI case illustrated in the book is, as a large nation, Indonesia must be able to maintain legal certainty in any activity.

"Countries that cannot guarantee legal certainty will be abandoned by investors. This condition will reduce the enthusiasm of the people to invest and ultimately will have an impact on the decline in economic activity, "said Gayus.

Ninok Leksono

According to Ninok, during the change of regime from the Old Order to the New Order, mining permits were granted to PT FI because Indonesia needed natural resource processing (SDA) to support development. However, Indonesia does not have the funds and technology. Therefore, the Indonesian Government in the Soeharto era provide opportunities for foreign investors.

"The lesson to be learned is how to improve the investment climate and can also manage our natural resources," he said.


Freeport dan Kritik soal Iklim Investasi

Indonesia dinilai belum sepenuhnya menjadi negara ramah investasi. Hal itu terindikasi dari tidak satu pun dari 33 perusahaan yang berasal dari China yang merelokasi pabriknya ke Indonesia. Menurut riset Bank Dunia Juni-Agustus 2019, sebanyak 23 pabrik direlokasi ke Vietnam, sementara 10 lainnya ke Thailand, Malaysia, dan Kamboja. Hal itu mengemuka dalam peluncuran buku Freeport Catatan Pribadi Chappy Hakim karya mantan Kepala Staf TNI Angkatan Udara (KSAU) Marsekal Purnawirawan Chappy Hakim, di Jakarta, Senin (28/10/2019). 

Hadir sebagai pembahas, yakni mantan Hakim Agung Gayus Lumbuun, Wartawan senior harian Kompas Ninok Leksono, dan pendiri Museum Rekor-Dunia Indonesia Jaya Suprana. Menurut Chappy tidak terpilihnya Indonesia sebagai lokasi ekspansi perusahaan-perusahaan China yang terdampak perang dagang AS-China menunjukkan adanya persoalan iklim investasi. 

”Tampilan kita belum ramah investor. Inilah sebenarnya yang merangsang saya menuangkannya dalam sebuah buku,” kata Chappy yang pernah menjabat Presiden Direktur PT Freeport Indonesia (FI) periode 2016-2017.

Menurut Chappy perencanaan hingga realisasi investasi membutuhkan kepastian hukum. Aktivitas rutin, seperti pembelian bahan baku, proses produksi, penggarapan pasar, pembayaran kewajiban, dan lainnya akan terganggu jika situasi tidak menentu. 

”Kepastian hukum sangat dibutuhkan jika pemerintah berniat mengundang lebih banyak perusahaan luar negeri berinvestasi,” ujarnya.

Gayus menambahkan, pelajaran penting dari kasus PT FI yang tergambar dalam buku itu adalah, sebagai bangsa besar, Indonesia harus bisa menjaga kepastian hukum dalam kegiatan apa pun.

”Negara yang tidak bisa menjamin kepastian hukum akan ditinggalkan investor. Kondisi itu menurunkan gairah masyarakat untuk berinvestasi dan pada akhirnya akan berdampak pada penurunan kegiatan perekonomian,” kata Gayus.

Menurut Ninok, saat pergantian rezim dari Orde Lama ke Orde Baru, izin penambangan diberikan ke PT FI karena Indonesia butuh pengolahan sumber daya alam (SDA) untuk menyokong pembangunan. Namun, Indonesia tidak memiliki dana dan teknologi. Oleh karena itu, Pemerintah Indonesia di era Soeharto memberikan kesempatan kepada investor asing. 

”Pelajaran yang bisa dipetik adalah bagaimana memperbaiki iklim investasi juga bisa mengelola SDA milik kita,” ujarnya.

Kompas, Page-18, Tuesday, Oct 29, 2019

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