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Freeport Copper and Gold Production Decreases Drastically in 2019

PT Freeport Indonesia's gold and copper production dropped dramatically over the past year. Quoting Freeport-McMoran's annual report (FCX), in 2019, Freeport Indonesia's copper production was 607 million pounds, down 47.67% compared to 2018 production of 1.16 billion pounds. The decline in copper production was followed by a decrease in sales volume.

Biggest Gold Mine Freeport in Papua Indonesia

Over the past year, Freeport sales only reached 667 million pounds, down 40.9976 compared to 2018 which reached 1.13 billion pounds. The realization of the average price for this copper mineral commodity also dropped to the US $ 2.72 per pound in 2019 from the US $ 2.89 per pound in 2018. The condition is no better also shown by the gold commodity business.

During 2019, Freeport Indonesia's gold production was 863,000 ounces, down dramatically to 64.2796 compared to the 2018 achievement of 2.41 million ounces. The decline was also seen in the volume of gold sales which only reached 973,000 ounces, down 58.8796 years on year (YOY.)

Richard C. Adkerson

FCX President and Chief Executive Officer Richard C. Adkerson revealed, in aggregate, Freeport Indonesia produced 27 billion pounds of copper and 46 million ounces of gold over a 30-year period from 1990 to 2019 through the Grasberg open pit.

"During the fourth quarter of 2019, Freeport completed mining at the Grasberg open pit and continues to reach important milestones in increasing copper and gold production," he said as quoted by the official FCX website on Sunday (1/26).


Produksi Tembaga dan Emas Freeport Turun Drastis di 2019

Produksi emas dan tembaga PT Freeport Indonesia turun drastis di sepanjang tahun lalu. Mengutip laporan tahunan Freeport-McMoran (FCX), pada 2019, produksi tembaga Freeport Indonesia sebanyak 607 juta pon atau turun 47,67% daripada produksi tahun 2018 yang sebanyak 1,16 miliar pon. Penurunan produksi tembaga diikuti penyusutan volume penjualan.

Sepanjang tahun lalu, penjualan Freeport hanya mencapai 667juta pon atau turun 40,9796 dibandingkan tahun 2018 yang mencapai 1,13 miliar pon. Realisasi harga rata-rata untuk komoditas mineral tembaga ini pun turun menjadi US$ 2,72 per pon pada 2019 dari US$ 2,89 per pon di tahun 2018. Kondisi tidak Iebih baik juga diperlihatkan bisnis komoditas emas. 

Sepanjang 2019, produksi emas Freeport Indonesia sebesar 863.000 ons, turun drastis hingga 64,2796 daripada pencapaian tahun 2018 yang sebesar 2,41 juta ons. Penurunan itu juga terlihat dalam volume penjualan emas yang hanya mencapai 973.000 ons atau turun 58,8796 yoy. 

President and Chief Executive Officer FCX Richard C. Adkerson mengungkapkan, secara agregat, Freeport Indonesia menghasilkan 27 miliar pon tembaga dan 46 juta ons emas dalam periode 30 tahun dari 1990 hingga 2019 melalui tambang terbuka Grasberg. 

"Selama kuartal IV 2019, Freeport menyelesaikan penambangan di tambang terbuka Grasberg dan terus mencapai tonggak penting dalam meningkatkan produksi tembaga dan emas," terang dia seperti dikutip oleh laman resmi FCX, Minggu (26/1).

Kontan, Page-14, Monday, Jan 27, 2020

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