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Freeport Seeks Funding from Banks

PT Freeport Indonesia (PTFI) ensures that the construction of the smelter and processing plant goes according to plan. 

the Java Integrated Industrial and Port Estate (JIIPE)

    The copper smelter, located at the Java Integrated Industrial and Port Estate (JIIPE), Gresik, East Java, is soon to enter the construction stage. At the same time, PTFI is eyeing external funding to fund the smelter project.

     PTFI President Director Tony Wenas said the copper concentrate smelter construction with a capacity of 2 million tons was running according to schedule, both a six-monthly evaluation from the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) and commercial operation targets.

"This year there will be physical construction, in the second quarter," Tony said.

As planned, the construction of the PTFI smelter factory must be completed no later than 2023 or five years after the shares divestment process to the BUMN mining holding, MIND ID, on December 21, 2018. 

     At that time, PTFI obtained a Special Mining Business License (LUPK). KONTAN Records, PTFI's smelter progress until the evaluation period in July 2019 still reaches 3.21%. Although it looks mini, but the achievement is higher than the six-month plan which is targeted to reach 2.76%.

Biggest Gold Mine Of PTFI

So far, the stage that is being worked on land maturation. In terms of capital expenditure (capital expenditure), it has absorbed funds of US $ 151.7 million. Tony was not ready to update the realization of capital expenditure absorption until closing in 2019. Because the data will be reported in advance to the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources according to the evaluation period. What is clear, Capex uptake until now is still from PTFI internal cash.

The PTFI smelter project will require an investment of around US $ 2.8 billion. But in total, PTFI has budgeted an investment of US $ 3 billion. Tony added, management is currently looking for external funding. PTFI is aiming for funding from banks.

"Later we will try to find funding from outside, most likely from banks. If possible, everything (financed from loans) is better," Tony said without explaining the details of the loan plan being carried out by PTFl. This is because PTFI is also spending money to work on underground mining or underground mining. PTFI has budgeted funds of US $ 20 billion for this project for 20 years, until 2041.

Underground Gold Mine PTFI

"Underground (mining) investment must continue. Every year an average of US $ 1 billion, excluding smelters," said Tony.

According to Tony, PTFI copper concentrate production will be supported by underground mining.

"Open mines are still remaining a little, just waiting to be cleaned. Most of the production has been from underground mines," Tony said without elaborating. 

Freeport investment in underground mines US $ 1 billion per year First paragraph Second paragraph and subsequent.


Freeport Cari Pendanaan dari Bank

PT Freeport Indonesia (PTFI) memastikan pembangunan pabrik pengolahan dan pemurnian (smelter) berlangsung sesuai rencana. Smelter tembaga berlokasi di Java Integrated Industrial and Port Estate (JIIPE), Gresik, Jawa Timur ini segera memasuki tahap konstruksi. Bersamaan itu, PTFI mengincar pendanaan eksternal untuk mendanai proyek smelter. 

    Direktur Utama PTFI Tony Wenas menyatakan pengerjaan smelter konsentrat tembaga berkapasitas 2 juta ton ini berjalan sesuai jadwal, baik evaluasi enam bulanan dari Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) serta target operasi komersial. 

“Tahun ini akan konstruksi fisik, kira-kira Kuartal II," kata Tony.

Sesuai perencanaan, pembangunan pabrik smelter PTFI harus selesai paling lambat pada tahun 2023 atau lima tahun setelah proses divestasi saham kepada holding tambang BUMN, MIND ID, pada 21 Desember 2018. Saat itu, PTFI memperoleh Izin Usaha Pertambangan Khusus (lUPK).Catatan KONTAN, progres pengerjaan smelter PTFI hingga periode evaluasi Juli 2019 masih mencapai 3,21%. Meski terlihat mini, namun capaian tersebut lebih tinggi dari rencana enam bulanan yang ditarget mencapai 2,76%.

Sejauh ini, tahapan yang sedang dikerjakan adalah pematangan lahan. Dari sisi belanja modal atau capital expenditure (capex) sudah menyerap dana sebesar US$ 151,7 juta. Tony belum bersedia update realisasi penyerapan belanja modal hingga tutup tahun 2019 lalu. Pasalnya, Data tersebut akan dilaporkan terlebih dahulu kepada Kementerian ESDM sesuai periode evaluasi. Yang jelas, serapan Capex hingga sekarang masih dari kas internal PTFI. 

Proyek smelter PTFI bakal membutuhkan investasi sekitar US$ 2,8 miliar. Namun secara total, PTFI menganggarkan investasi sebesar US$ 3 miliar. Tony menambahkan, manajemen saat ini sedang mencari pendanaan eksternal. PTFI membidik pendanaan dari perbankan. 

"Nanti kita coba cari pendanaan dari luar, kemungkinan besar dari bank. Kalau bisa semuanya (dibiayai dari pinjaman), lebih bagus," ujar Tony tanpa menerangkan detail rencana pinjaman yang sedang dijalankan PTFl. 

    Hal ini karena PTFI juga seadng menggeluarkan dana untuk mengerjakan tambang bawah tanah atau undergorund mining. PTFI menganggarkan dana sebesar US$ 20 miliar untuk proyek ini selama 20 tahun, hingga tahun 2041. 

"lnvestasi (tambang) bawah tanah harus berlangsung terus. Setiap tahun rata-rata US$ 1 miliar, di luar smelter," kata Tony.

Menurut Tony, produksi konsentrat tembaga PTFI akan mulai ditopang oleh underground mining. 

"Tambang terbuka masih tersisa sedikit, hanya menunggu dibersihkan. Sebagian besar produksi sudah dari tambang underground," ujar Tony tanpa merinci. 

lnvestasi Freeport untuk tambang bawah tanah US$ 1 miliar per tahun Paragraf pertama Paragraf kedua dan selanjutnya.

Kontan, Page-14, Monday, Jan 20, 2020

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