The Government Investigates Freeport Damage
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The Coordinating Minister for the Ministry of Marine Affairs, Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan, said he was investigating a loss caused by PT Freeport. Of the number reached Rp 185 trillion, Luhut said that the loss is indeed in the range of Rp 100 trillion upwards.
"Yes, we are again conscientious about the number 100 trillion," said Luhut.
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For sanctions to be given if these findings are true, Luhut has not been able to take decisive action. However, he considered that the problems experienced by the gold mining company could also be a boomerang for the government because the government is also trying to acquire a 51 percent stake.
"Actually there are two problems, if we have 51 percent become our responsibility too, this is my mind yes," he said.
Previously, the Supreme Audit Agency (BPK) stated that PT Freeport Indonesia (PTFI) has incurred state losses amounting to Rp185 trillion due to waste disposal. Member IV BPK Reubli Indonesia Rizal Djalil said the potential state loss of Rp 185 trillion from damage caused by waste disposal.
Tailing PT Freeport Indonesia
The total losses are divided into three affected areas, namely "Modified Ajkwa Deposition Area" (ModADA) with the ecosystem value sacrificed to Rp 10.7 trillion, estuary (Rp 8.2 trillion), and sea (Rp 166 trillion).
The BPK audit result stated that PTFI has caused ecosystem changes caused by mining mining operations waste in rivers, forests, estuaries, and reaching sea areas. PT Freeport Indonesia some time ago responded to BPK audit results that Freeport has the potential to harm the state.
Freeport spokesperson Riza Pratama explained that during this time Freeport's operations are in accordance with the terms and agreements contained in the contract of work. The BPK audit results come from the inspection of PT Freeport Indonesia's Contract of Work (COW) in 2013 to 2015. Riza Pratama also stated that operationally mining, Mimika Regency, Papua, has its own regional regulation which guarantees Freeport in its operations.
The BPK audit result stated that PTFI has caused ecosystem changes caused by mining mining operations waste in rivers, forests, estuaries, and reaching sea areas. PT Freeport Indonesia some time ago responded to BPK audit results that Freeport has the potential to harm the state.
Freeport spokesperson Riza Pratama explained that during this time Freeport's operations are in accordance with the terms and agreements contained in the contract of work. The BPK audit results come from the inspection of PT Freeport Indonesia's Contract of Work (COW) in 2013 to 2015. Riza Pratama also stated that operationally mining, Mimika Regency, Papua, has its own regional regulation which guarantees Freeport in its operations.
This is the foundation for Freeport to be able to perform mining operations according to the rules. In addition, Freeport undertakes environmental planning and management in relation to its mining operations, including waste mine waste management based on an Environmental Impact Assessment approved by the government through a Decree of the Minister of Environment.
He said that the waste management of residual waste from Freeport mine utilizes river flow. This, according to Riza, patent approval, both from central and local government.
"The method of PTF I tailings management by utilizing the river channel has been obtained licensing and approval, both from central government and local government, namely district government, provincial government and central government in this case Ministry of Environment," said Riza.
PTFI targets to provide a share to the country greater than before, if it gets a contract renewal permit until 2041. PTFI Executive Director Tony Wenas explained the value of Non-Tax State Revenues (PNBP) that Freeport can provide to Indonesia of Rp 82.2 trillion.
Tony explained that in 2018 Freeport is targeting to generate revenue of 756 million US dollars. Of these figures, Tony explained Freeport could provide PNBP to the state of 6 billion US dollars from 2018 to 2041.
"Projected total PNBP up to 2041 can reach up to 6 billion US dollars," said Tony some time ago.
Tony explained in 2017, the total revenue received by Freeport amounted to 151 million US dollars. This total revenue consists of royalties of 150.9 million US dollars, fixed contribution of 0.4 million US dollars and other non-tax revenues of 0.1 million US dollars. Meanwhile, the dividend given by Freeport to Indonesia amounted to 135 million US dollars.
He said that the waste management of residual waste from Freeport mine utilizes river flow. This, according to Riza, patent approval, both from central and local government.
"The method of PTF I tailings management by utilizing the river channel has been obtained licensing and approval, both from central government and local government, namely district government, provincial government and central government in this case Ministry of Environment," said Riza.
PTFI targets to provide a share to the country greater than before, if it gets a contract renewal permit until 2041. PTFI Executive Director Tony Wenas explained the value of Non-Tax State Revenues (PNBP) that Freeport can provide to Indonesia of Rp 82.2 trillion.
Tony explained that in 2018 Freeport is targeting to generate revenue of 756 million US dollars. Of these figures, Tony explained Freeport could provide PNBP to the state of 6 billion US dollars from 2018 to 2041.
"Projected total PNBP up to 2041 can reach up to 6 billion US dollars," said Tony some time ago.
Tony explained in 2017, the total revenue received by Freeport amounted to 151 million US dollars. This total revenue consists of royalties of 150.9 million US dollars, fixed contribution of 0.4 million US dollars and other non-tax revenues of 0.1 million US dollars. Meanwhile, the dividend given by Freeport to Indonesia amounted to 135 million US dollars.
Pemerintah Selidiki Kerugian Akibat Freeport
Menteri Koordinator Bidang Kemaritiman Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan mengatakan bahwa dia sedang menyelidiki adanya kerugian yang diakibatkan PT Freeport. Dari angka yang disebut mencapai Rp 185 triliun, Luhut menyebut bahwa kerugian tersebut memang berada di kisaran Rp 100 triliun ke atas.
"Ya, kita lagi teliti lagi mengenai angkanya 100 sekian triliun," ujar Luhut.
Untuk sanksi yang akan diberikan jika temuan ini benar terjadi, Luhut belum bisa mengambil tindakan tegas. Namun, dia menilai bahwa persoalan yang dialami perusahaan tambang emas itu juga bisa menjadi bumerang bagi pemerintah karena pemerintah juga berusaha mengakuisisi saham mencapai 51 persen.
"Sebenarnya masalahnya itu ada dua, kalau kita sudah 51 persen menjadi tanggungan kita juga, ini pikiran saya ya," katanya.
Sebelumnya, Badan Pemeriksa Keuangan (BPK) menyebutkan bahwa PT Freeport Indonesia (PTFI) telah menimbulkan kerugian negara sebesar Rp185 triliun akibat pembuangan limbah. Anggota IV BPK Reubli Indonesia Rizal Djalil mengatakan, potensi kerugian negara Rp 185 triliun dari kerusakan yang terjadi karena pembuangan limbah.
Total kerugian tersebut terbagi atas tiga wilayah terdampak, yaitu "Modified Ajkwa Deposition Area" (ModADA) dengan nilai ekosistem yang dikorbankan mencapai Rp 10,7 triliun, estuari (Rp 8,2 triliun), dan laut (Rp 166 triliun).
Hasil audit BPK menyebutkan, PTFI telah menimbulkan perubahan ekosistem akibat pembuaugan limbah operasional penambangan di sungai, hutan, estuari, dan mencapai kawasan laut. PT Freeport Indonesia beberapa waktu lalu menanggapi hasil audit BPK yang menyebutkan bahwa Freeport berpotensi merugikan negara.
Juru bicara Freeport, Riza Pratama, menjelaskan bahwa selama ini operasional Freeport sudah sesuai dengan ketentuan dan kesepakatan yang ada pada kontrak karya. Hasil audit BPK tersebut berasal dari hasil pemeriksaan terhadap Kontrak Karya (KK) PT Freeport Indonesia pada 2013 hingga 2015. Riza Pratama juga menyatakan secara operasional penambangan, Kabupaten Mimika, Papua, memiliki aturan daerah tersendiri yang menjadi pegangan Freeport dalam operasionalnya.
Hal tersebut menjadi landasan Freeport untuk bisa melakukan operasional penambangan sesuai aturan. Selain itu, Freeport melakukan perencanaan dan pengelolaan lingkungan sehubungan dengan kegiatan pertambangannya, termasuk pengelolaan limbah pasir sisa tambang (sirsat) berdasarkan Analisa Dampak Lingkungan yang disetujui oleh pemerintah melalui Surat Keputusan Menteri Lingkungan Hidup.
Ia mengatakan, pengelolaan limbah pasir sisa tambang Freeport memanfaatkan aliran sungai. Hal ini, menurut Riza, sudah mendapatkan persetujuan, baik dari pemerintah pusat maupun daerah.
"Metode pengelolaan sirsat PTF I dengan memanfaatkan jalur sungai telah mendapatkan perizinan dan persetujuan, baik dari pemerintah pusat maupun pemerintah daerah, yaitu pemerintah kabupaten, pemerintah provinsi, dan pemerintah pusat dalam hal ini Kementerian Lingkungan Hidup," ujar Riza.
PTFI menargetkan bisa memberikan bagian ke negara lebih besar dari sebelumnya, jika mendapatkan izin perpanjangan kontrak hingga 2041 mendatang. Direktur Eksekutif PTFI Tony Wenas menjelaskan nilai Penerimaan Negara Bukan Pajak (PNBP) yang bisa diberikan Freeport kepada Indonesia sebesar Rp 82,2 triliun.
Tony menjelaskan tahun 2018 ini Freeport menargetkan mendapatkan pendapatan sebesar 756 juta dolar AS. Dari angka tersebut, Tony menjelaskan Freeport bisa memberikan PNBP kepada negara sebesar 6 miliar dolar AS dari 2018 hingga 2041 mendatang.
“Proyeksi total PNBP hingga 2041 mendatang bisa mencapai 6 miliar dolar AS,” ucap Tony beberapa waktu lalu.
Tony menjelaskan pada 2017 lalu, total pendapatan yang diterima Freeport sebesar 151 juta dolar AS. Total pendapatan ini terdiri dari royalti sebesar 150,9 juta dolar AS, iuran tetap sebesar 0,4 juta dolar AS dan PNBP lainnya sebesar 0,1 juta dolar AS. Sedangkan dividen yang diberikan Freeport kepada Indonesia sebesar 135 juta dolar AS.
Republika, Page-15, Monday, Apr 15, 2018
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